Friday, February 29, 2008

Just another day in a leap year

It is the last day of the month. And it is the 29th of February.

An atypical date.


I don't know, but I don't associate anything special about today, although I wish I did.

I mean, like a romantic connotation or the such will be nice, wouldn't it?

And yes, I am still going to watch The Leap Years. Not today of course, but sometime soon I hope.

I am not going to write things like "I wonder how it feels like to have your birthday once every four years" or "It must be nice to have something to pine for".

(I mean, yes, I wrote those but I didn't actually write them too...if you know what I mean)

The truth is, I don't really want to know how it feels like, nor do I think it is something worthwhile to pine for.

Maybe I have really grown up.


I had the privilege of talking to SY, a fellow au pair from Pahang.

She is still in the USA. She is ending her program soon.

She will return to Malaysia first and then head to the UK for a work-travel program.

Yes, another work-travel program. I was like...wha.

I mean, that sentiment took myself by surprise. Talk about surprises on an atypical day.

I have always considered myself to be like a water hyacinath (gee...I can't remember the spellling but you can roughly guess what I am talking about right?) floating around, never wanting to be anchored.

I would say that I haven't really changed much. I like change. I have always believed that change is the only thing that is constant. And because of that, I like new experiences, and so I love trying out new things, exploring new environments, meeting new people, making new friends.

But I have also discovered, thanks to this journey which took me to the other side of the earth, sometimes that experience can be something which blows our imagination.

Like I mentioned in my previous entries, would I ever have imagined looking for a job that can tie me here for three years...? The truth is,



But therein itself is the very experience of being exotic, to a person who has always wanted to be a wanderer.

Don't they always say, there will come a day when the weary wanderer needs to rest?


No, I am not weary yet.

I don't think I can ever be weary wandering.

It is just that, I have learnt to discern the inner callings of my heart.

Put it another way: I have always known what I need to do; I just persuaded myself not to live it out.

It is very pressurizing to be the elder kid. Because you are the pride and glory of your parents.

For me, at least.

I would have hoped to ask (like what SY did actually) my parents for 2 more years to wander some more before I go home.

And last night, I was just talking to R, give me Japan, and that will be my second last destination.

And his reply was, "Why do you want to set standards like that?"

...I couldn't answer. I think he is right.

Who am I to decide where is my final destination?


I am brought home, that I know.

How long will I be home?

That, I don't know.

Maybe a year. Maybe more. Maybe less.

Maybe forever, although I hope not.

But therein lies a call. For me to heed. For me to choose.

And I kind of think it is because I know that I hold everyday in such high esteem now that Feb 29th is just another day.

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