Saturday, November 15, 2008

Growing up and growing out.

I stared at the date of my last post and I thought it didn't feel so long ago.

Then I remembered was November already. And yes, it has been a while.


I think the good news is, I am no longer as emo as I used to be.

Why? ...

HHmmm...maybe because I am coping better, or maybe there really are less things to get me emo.

Or maybe I am maturing, so I just grow out of it.

I wonder, do we grow out of everything?


My mum went back to the hospital on Thursday for her fractured toe.

Nope. It is not healing.

Please note, I didn't say 'it has not healed'; I said, 'it is not healing'.

So yes! It is not healing.

I don't know. At moments like this, I regret coming home. Which is funny, isn't it?

At a time when my mum needs me, shouldn't I be glad for being home? I should, I think...because I can be of help.

But I guess, I am just not sure if I am more of a help than a dependence.


Z is leaving for Japan. She will be there for two years.

I am envious, yes...and I am happy for her too.

The truth is, I have seen her dedication towards her work, and I really feel she deserves it.

I guess in contrary, I am just not too sure of where I am heading, and if I will ever come across such an opportunity.

You know--people often label me as aimless. Yes, aimless.

First, they wonder why I want to go to USA. Now, they wonder why I am in a tuition centre after having achieved a Masters.

Then they will wonder why I am not a teacher when I am in NXX.

Where am I heading, they always ask.

And I am speechless.

Because I know I can't say "Look. I am searching" or "I don't know". These answers are not acceptable.

We are all expected to have answers.

....But why?

Aren't the answers supposed to be real answers? Or are they meant to be cooked up?


I managed to meet up with the scholars last night. After a long time.

It didn't turn out as awkward as I would have imagined. Which was consoling.

And I am also glad that I got to sit at a place with H and C across my place. They are the people I can get along more with.

I don't know, but they didn't turn out as distant as I had imagined.

It is not that I have a wild imagination. I think to a large extent, I have been building barriers outside my heart.

I can't recall exactly, but there have been few instances that a meet-up didn't turn out as bad as I had imagined.

Maybe, maybe we do really grow out of things.


Just last week, when my dad was cursing and swearing about the apparent ignorance of the whole family, I was almost going to leave home.

Yes. Pack my bags and leave.

I don't think it is a matter of childishness or what; it was more like...I really don't feel that his words are justified.

In fact, when he chided me at the hospital on Thursday (for forgetting to bring the radiograph), I had shouted back.

Don't ask me why. I don't know.

I still love my dad. I am just not sure of the best way to love him.


If growing up is like a baby bird being fetched and finally stretching his wings, then perhaps it is time I have the courage to do the same.

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