Friday, May 7, 2010

Teary goodbyes

Very soon, I will be leaving my current workplace to begin a new adventure (or so I would hope to believe) in another environment.

News have been spreading rather quickly, thanks to the invention known as the 'staff portal'. And it is not that I mind; it is just that half the time, I can't really fathom the true intentions of people who come to probe about my plans.

"You leaving, I heard?" "Where are you going-can I kpo?"

Well, while I wouldn't be quick to snap a loud "CANNOT!" (yes, with that exclamation mark), I don't usually bother telling the truth.

I will say I am taking a break. And use the break to decide what I shall do next.

Put it this way: If I want you to know where I am going, I would have told you that I was leaving.

Which means yes, you wouldn't have to learn through the portal that I was leaving.

Makes sense?


It is a pity that my last few days here weren't a breeze. I was bullied, and made a bully despite so.

Initially, I had been tasked with some simple admin duty for a project, but for some unknown reasons, I was roped in to do some report.

In the end, I was chasing people for information accuracy and sources and writing irritated emails. At the very end, I compiled the report, proofread it, edited it and even gave recommendations as the team's representative!

Clearly, I was being exploited, with my immediate supervisor not even aware of the situation. So, when I went in to check with him, and was taken off the project, someone else apparently tried to manipulate the news of my leaving with this into a different tale.

I don't exactly know all the details of the tale; all I know was, there was a big bully and a small bully. The small bully bully cried, and fingers came to me.

I became the bully.

Wow, you said.

My sentiments, exactly,


You know, it really doesn't feel that long ago when I stepped into this place and began my first day.

Although frankly, I don't actually remember much of that first day, but life has been great. I like the easy-going life. I like my independence.
I like my free time. I like the carefree-ness. And I love the people.
And so I can say, very quickly, it has been almost one and a half years.

I know I will definitely miss the people here. After all, else, I wouldn't have to think so hard about whether I should leave. I really could have stayed here forever, till retirement, as much as the opportunities allow.

I know for sure I will miss P, who is more like my mother than my mother. I tell her everything, from my wedding preparation details to my fears to my quarrels with people.

I will also miss L, my so-called "twin" (the colleagues call us that because we hang around all the time). She may be much older but I can connect with her in many ways, and it is a relationship that I truly cherish.

I will miss M, my exercise kaki who is very sporty and bubbly, kind of my temperament.

It has been one of the hardest good-byes to say.

And I just hope there will be no teary good-byes on the day I packed my bag and go away.

Shucks-the thought of it makes me sad already.

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