Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My typical day

Today is Tuesday. It should be in the wee hours of your Wednesday morning.

These days, I have been missing home quite a bit. I dreamt about my family and my boyfriend and my friends back home quite a bit. Maybe that is why.

But that aside, life has been well.

Pretty much the usual, to be specific.

I thought I will use this very short time that I have (going out to pick the younger kid in 10 min) to describe a typical day.

I wake up at 630am. I get up and cook oats and eat breakfast with my 3-in-1 coffee and that will take me to about 705am.

Then I have to get ready. All ready before I wake the girls up at 715am.

That was supposed to be the plan. Um, I haven't quite been able to do that because I spend too much time on myself.


I guess I spend my time counting my white hairs, which have seemed to proliferate overnight in the foreign land.

Maybe it is something in the air here that makes them grow more abundantly? I seriously don't remember that many on my head before.

Or maybe, it is just age catching up.

Or maybe it is because I am lacking of sleep!!! All the time.

I have pushed forward my sleeping time to 1030pm. I don't know if that will curb those white strands from my head of supposedly-blacks.

Anyway, the girls usually have some trouble waking up. The young one, especially, is quite a challenge.

She takes her own sweet time and I seriously loathe the one day when she will miss the bus and I would have to drive her to school.

Let's pray that that will never happen.

The younger one heads for the bus stop at 815am and the older one is due to be there around 855am.

Then, technically, I have the day to myself.

But of course, that is the idealistic situation. Two days a week, I do the laundry.

I tell you, the amount of clothes the elder girl changes is unbelievably incredibly large. It takes just 4 days to fill up a clothes hamper, both of their clothes load combined.

Which is incredible, really!

*shake head*

And then the older girl is off at 330pm, at which I will pick her up from the bus stop.

After which I will start to get busy again, with duties like picking the younger one from the YMCA and cooking dinner.

It is an easy life. On the surface.

Lurking beneath, the older kid does drive me nuts. She has an attitude issue, which I find it a pain to deal with.

I hate how she is so big-headed. She is so full of herself that I will gladly anticipate the day when she trips over her big head.

But I guess I shouldn't and can't think like that? I mean, that is why I am here for, isn't it? I need to help her to deal with her big ego. No, the parents didn't request this, it is just something I feel I will want to do.


So what do I spend my afternoon doing?

I used to think I will be very bored...well, I guess that was how I even contemplated the thought of a rematch.

Simply because yes, I am unable to travel into the city as much as I have planned.

But if I look at things from another perspective, I will realize that that alone may be the key to the fulfillment of other intentions.

For one, I can save the money up and use it for traveling.

I have probably shared with you previously. I would want to travel to a few places, hopefully to Washington, Virigina, Rhode Island, Chicago and California.

Alternatively, it can pay for part of my Teachers' Training.

So really, the options are plenty. If I think hard enough.

I know I have digressed...so let me get back to the question: What do I do during the afternoons?

I practise yoga. Or I study Spanish. Currently, it is just these two.

I hope to get down to writing and maybe even practising on the keyboard. I have found some scores which I can practise with.

Sometimes I go to the supermarket. Other times, I go to the library.

Whatever it is, I am not really bored, and I am glad about that.

Hopefully, I will never get bored. At least not like the previous lady who resorted to cleaning furniture and watering plants to kill her time.

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