Thursday, October 29, 2009

Searching for my way

I have not been able to blog for the past few weeks for various reasons and I thought I should just drop by today since 1) Iam feeling like it; 2) I am not in exactly a mood to rant; 3) I have things to say.


Just yesterday, something rather unpleasant has occured.

I was asked (specially) to help record minutes for a meeting. That was just one side of it. The other side was because I had demonstrated a strong competence (or I choose to think so, if that idea is more likely) in assimilating ideas.

It was a meeting for a taskforce. To start on a new venture and yes, chart a new chapter in the history of the organization.

While I may dislike the niche I am in, I take great pride in what I do. That can be a paradox, yes. It is just like, maybe you don't believe in democracy but you enjoy being a politician. The two concepts may--I emphasize--be related in a distant sense yes, but they are still related.

Anyhow, let me summarize by saying, it was unpleasant because other people tried to boss me around.

This other person brought in her own group of staff and TOLD me I need not do what my boss had asked me to do.

No, it was not in her capacity to do that. My boss is the chairperson of this whole committee and he had asked me to work together with XX.

It is a complicated story--just know that in the end, I was left feeling upset simply because I had imagined she had doubted my ability. However, after talking (or rather, ranting) to R, I realized she did it for strategic reasons. That other person probably was trying to win my boss' favour.

Will she succeed? I don't know. And I don't really care.

All that matters to me is, if in the end my request to work independently succeeds, then she better pray that my report is substandard to her staff's.

She better pray for that, because I don't want to get the last laugh.


And yes, life has been a little tough. Well, not that I am complaining.

Just a couple of week or so ago, a very dear friend L had spoken to me in all honesty and earnestness.

She asked me if I had ever considered thinking about my career seriously and if I were really prepared to settle down.

To really settle down requires a lot of things, I was told.

I remember feeling very upset--and trying very hard not to show it--at the end of the conversation. I wasn't upset at her; I was upset that no matter what I did, I was open to miscomprehension.

My friend had thought I was a little too happy-go-lucky (for lack of a better word) towards the development of a career and she had wanted to remind me to take a more composed attitude. She was speaking from experience, having changed jobs twice and getting into the third one at entry-level and hence, commanding a sizable sum less than her counterparts.

It wasn't like I didn't realize my predicament. I mean, I am totally aware of it.

But is there anything I can do?

Is there anything I can do when the job that I like right now is a contract position, which is based on a renewal term of 1.5 years?

Is there anything I can do when I like research but fail to reach the calibre required of Research Officers in governmental agencies?

Is there anything I can do when I am born stupid, am brought up speaking Mandarin, got a C5 for General Paper and a Second Lower for Honours?

Maybe there is--please let me know!

The truth is, I have been trying very hard.

It is because I am trying so hard which is why I have a full-time job now. Else, I would have been still doing part-time work as before. I like that carefree kind of life.

It is because I am trying so hard which is why I hadn't gone ahead to do the million and one things I badly want to do. I want to save up for my parents.

It is because I am trying so hard that I sometimes get so disappointed with myself and I just tear and cry. I too don't want to be direction-less, but my search has proven to be longer than others.

And yes, I do wish that I know what I am searching for, but the truth is, I don't!

And I am not saying these to gain your sympathy. Nobody deserves anyone's sympathy.

I am just saying this because I hope you can look at me from where I have come--the fact that I have grown--and not where I am.

Because I am never probably going to be nowhere near where you think I should be.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A reason behind the season

It is very hard to dissect the emotions.

While I would have hoped to be there to share in her happiness on that very special day, I am also kind of glad I wasn't invited. I would imagine that it would have been rather awkward. Time would have been difficult to pass. I would have felt lonely.

And yes, that is not what church weddings are supposed to be about.


When I met her in Feb this year at another friend's wedding, she had claimed that all those who were present then would be invited to her wedding.

Oh well. I had taken her word for it, and had been anticipating it, with a fretful heart and intense worry.

Fretful heart and intense worry, because I was sure I was going to feel awkward again. Maybe it was my imagination, but the truth stays, untarnished in our memories.

We were very good friends in JC. The four, five of us. But we 'broke up' after that.

We broke up because of my childishness and foolishness. We never patched up.

The last time I met them was a year after we graduate from JC, in a pizza restaurant in the basement of Forum. I remember it had felt awkward. I remember we were friendly strangers.
I, with the four of them.

We never saw each other again after that.

Occasionally I would see Y since we were from the same student group. We won't talk much.

Once in a blue moon, I would chance into N but there aren't really that many blue moons.

Come to think of it, maybe I won't get to see them ever again in this lifetime...except for Y who I probably have to invite to my wedding.


It was an unnecessary worry period for me, on my part.

You see, I had taken her word for it, that I would have been invited to her reception and had been worrid because I had not really thought of inviting her to my reception.

So really, I am glad she striked me out of her list.

I would have been happy for her anyhow. We were good friends and we are still, loosely, friends. And I am sure that status will stay for a lifetime.

The fact is, for a while I had been really upset about losing them.

And yes, while I still am, I look forward to the closer friendships I had fostered in exchange, how I had changed because of that misunderstanding.

So really, all things in life happen for a reason.

Some people are really only in your life for a season.